
Beacon client that can actively connect to a Cobalt Strike Team Server.


The client actively connects to a Cobalt Strike Team Server, caution should be taken when using this. A default client will perform check-ins and only log the tasks it receives unless implemented otherwise.









A Beacon Client that can communicate with a Cobalt Strike Team Server over HTTP.


random_computer_name(→ str)

Returns a random Windows like computer name, if username is set it can also return <USERNAME>-PC

random_username_name(→ str)

Returns a random username in the form of john.smith or John Smith.

random_windows_ver(→ Tuple[int, int, int])

Return a random Windows version in the form of the tuple (major, minor, build).

random_process_name(→ str)

Return a random process name.

random_internal_ip(→ ipaddress.IPv4Address)

Return a random internal RFC1918 IP address.


CallbackError(→ Tuple[int, bytes])

CallbackDebugMessage(→ Tuple[int, bytes])

This will output '[-] DEBUG: <message>' to the Team Server console.

CallbackOutputMessage(→ Tuple[int, bytes])

This will output '[+] received output: <message>' to the Team Server console.

build_parser(→ argparse.ArgumentParser)

Return the default ArgumentParser for the beacon client.

parse_commandline_options(→ Tuple[argparse.Namespace, ...)

Helper function to parse commandline options and return a tuple of (args, options).


Module Contents

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.FIRST_NAMES = ['Michael', 'James', 'John', 'Robert', 'David', 'William', 'Mary', 'Christopher', 'Joseph',...[source]
dissect.cobaltstrike.client.LAST_NAMES = ['SMITH', 'JOHNSON', 'WILLIAMS', 'BROWN', 'JONES', 'GARCIA', 'RODRIGUEZ', 'MILLER', 'MARTINEZ',...[source]
dissect.cobaltstrike.client.PROCESS_NAMES = ['rundll32.exe', 'dllhost.exe', 'gpupdate.exe', 'svchost.exe', 'mstsc.exe', 'WerFault.exe',...[source]
dissect.cobaltstrike.client.random_computer_name(username: str | None = None) str[source]

Returns a random Windows like computer name, if username is set it can also return <USERNAME>-PC

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.random_username_name() str[source]

Returns a random username in the form of john.smith or John Smith.

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.random_windows_ver() Tuple[int, int, int][source]

Return a random Windows version in the form of the tuple (major, minor, build).

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.random_process_name() str[source]

Return a random process name.

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.random_internal_ip() ipaddress.IPv4Address[source]

Return a random internal RFC1918 IP address.

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.CallbackError(code: int, n1: int, n2: int, message: str) Tuple[int, bytes][source]
dissect.cobaltstrike.client.CallbackDebugMessage(message: str) Tuple[int, bytes][source]

This will output '[-] DEBUG: <message>' to the Team Server console.

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.CallbackOutputMessage(message: str) Tuple[int, bytes][source]

This will output '[+] received output: <message>' to the Team Server console.

class dissect.cobaltstrike.client.HttpBeaconClient[source]

A Beacon Client that can communicate with a Cobalt Strike Team Server over HTTP.

run(bconfig: dissect.cobaltstrike.c2.BeaconConfig, dry_run=False, scheme=None, domain=None, port=None, beacon_id=None, pid=None, computer=None, user=None, process=None, internal_ip=None, arch=None, barch=None, ansi_cp=58372, oem_cp=46337, high_integrity=False, sleeptime=None, jitter=None, user_agent=None, host_header=None, verbose=None, silent=None, writer=None)[source]

Run the Beacon Client.

_initial_get_request() dissect.cobaltstrike.c2.HttpRequest[source]

Return the initial HttpRequest object for retrieving tasks from the Team Server.

_initial_post_request() dissect.cobaltstrike.c2.HttpRequest[source]

Return the initial HttpRequest object for sending callback data to the Team Server.

get_sleep_time() float[source]

Return the sleep time with jitter for the beacon loop.

register_task(command_id: None | int, func)[source]

Register a task handler for a given command ID.

  • command_id – The command ID to register the handler for. None is handler for empty tasks. -1 is a catch-all handler.

  • func – The function to call when a task with the given command ID is received.

get_task() dissect.cobaltstrike.c2.TaskPacket | None[source]

Get a task from the Team Server.

send_callback(callback_id: int, data: bytes)[source]

Send callback data to the Team Server.

handle(command: None | int | dissect.cobaltstrike.c2.BeaconCommand)[source]

decorator to register a handler for command, if None it registers a handler for empty tasks


decorator to handle all unhandled commands.

get_handlers(command_id: int | None) List[Callable][source]

Get a list of handlers for a given command ID.

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.build_parser() argparse.ArgumentParser[source]

Return the default ArgumentParser for the beacon client.

dissect.cobaltstrike.client.parse_commandline_options(parser=None, defaults=None) Tuple[argparse.Namespace, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Helper function to parse commandline options and return a tuple of (args, options).

This method is useful for creating default commandline options for a Beacon client. The returned options can be passed to HttpBeaconClient.run() as follows:

from dissect.cobaltstrike.client import HttpBeaconClient, parse_commandline_options

beacon = HttpBeaconClient()

args, options = parse_commandline_options(defaults={
    "beacon_id": 1234,
    "computer": "dissect",
    "user": "cobaltstrike",
    "process": "calc.exe",


If parser is not defined it will use the default argparse parser created by build_parser(). The defaults dictionary can be used to override the default argparse settings.

  • parser – an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser, if None it will use the parser created by client.build_parser().

  • defaults – A dictionary to override the default settings for the argument parser. Unknown keys will be ignored.


Tuple of (args, options) where args is the parsed arguments from the commandline and options is a dictionary of options that can be passed to HttpBeaconClient.run().
