
The easiest way to install dissect.cobaltstrike is to use pip:

$ pip install dissect.cobaltstrike

Python 3.9 or higher is required and it has the following dependencies:

The following pip extras flavours are provided as well:

$ pip install 'dissect.cobaltstrike[c2]'
$ pip install 'dissect.cobaltstrike[pcap]'
$ pip install 'dissect.cobaltstrike[full]'
  • [c2] for if you want to communicate with Cobalt Strike Team Servers, eg: beacon-client.

  • [pcap] for if you want to parse and decrypt PCAPS containing Beacon traffic, eg: beacon-pcap.

  • [full] provides the above but also installs rich for prettier console logging.

Install the latest pre-release version

Every change to the main branch is packaged and uploaded to PyPi as a pre-release version, to install the latest pre-release version use the --pre flag:

$ pip install --pre dissect.cobaltstrike

Installing from source

If you want to install dissect.cobaltstrike from source, you can use the following steps:

$ git clone
$ cd dissect.cobaltstrike
$ pip install --editable '.[full]'

Using a virtual environment is recommended. Using the --editable flag ensures that any changes you make to the source code directly affects the installed package.

Running tests

The test suite uses pytest and using tox is the recommended way to run the test suite:

$ pip install tox
$ tox

This will run tests on both Python 3 and PyPy3. To limit to Python 3 only, run:

$ tox -e py3

You can also specify custom arguments to pytest by appending the arguments after -- (two dashes), e.g. to only run tests with checksum8 in the name including verbose and stdout logging:

$ tox -e py3 -- -vs -k checksum8


The test suite contains zipped beacon payloads that are used as test fixtures and can be unzipped during some tests. Running the test suite on Windows could trigger Windows Defender or your Antivirus.


For linting (black and flake8):

$ tox -e lint


To generate the documentation locally (sphinx):

$ tox -e docs