C2Profile grammar

dissect.cobaltstrike utilizes the Lark parser for parsing and generating Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 Profiles.

The Lark grammar file to parse the Profile Language is defined in c2profile.lark and listed below for reference.


Currently, the grammar implementation is pretty naive and could be improved upon. For example, the values are all STRING but could benefit from other types as well.

start: value*

?value: "set" OPTION string ";"                                         -> option
    | "http-config" "{" http_config_options* "}"                        -> http_config
    | "https-certificate" variant? "{" https_certificate_options* "}"   -> https_certificate
    | "code-signer" "{" code_signer_options* "}"                        -> code_signer
    | "http-stager" variant? "{" http_stager_options* "}"               -> http_stager
    | "http-get" variant? "{" http_get_options* "}"                     -> http_get
    | "http-post" variant? "{" http_post_options* "}"                   -> http_post
    | "stage" "{" stage_options* "}"                                    -> stage
    | "process-inject" "{" process_inject_options* "}"                  -> process_inject
    | "post-ex" "{" postex_options* "}"                                 -> post_ex
    | "dns-beacon" "{" dns_beacon_options* "}"                          -> dns_beacon

OPTION: "sample_name"
    | "data_jitter"
    | "dns_idle"
    | "dns_max_txt"
    | "dns_sleep"
    | "dns_stager_prepend"
    | "dns_stager_subhost"
    | "dns_ttl"
    | "host_stage"
    | "jitter"
    | "maxdns"
    | "pipename"
    | "pipename_stager"
    | "sleeptime"
    | "smb_frame_header"
    | "ssh_banner"
    | "ssh_pipename"
    | "tcp_frame_header"
    | "tcp_port"
    | "useragent"
    | "spawnto"                 // deprecated since Cobalt Strike 3.6
    | "spawnto_x86"             // moved to post-ex since Cobalt Strike 3.14
    | "spawnto_x64"             // moved to post-ex since Cobalt Strike 3.14
    | "amsi_disable"            // moved to post-ex since Cobalt Strike 3.14
    | "create_remote_thread"    // deprecated since Cobalt Strike 3.12
    | "hijack_remote_thread"    // deprecated since Cobalt Strike 3.12

http_config_options: "set" "headers" string ";"     -> headers
    | "header" string string ";"                    -> header
    | "set" "trust_x_forwarded_for" string ";"      -> trust_x_forwarded_for
    | "set" "block_useragents" string ";"           -> block_useragents
    | "set" "allow_useragents" string ";"           -> allow_useragents

http_stager_options: "set" "uri_x86" string ";"     -> uri_x86
    | "set" "uri_x64" string ";"                    -> uri_x64
    | "client" "{" http_options* "}"                -> client
    | "server" "{" http_options* "}"                -> server

http_options: "header" string string ";"            -> header
    | "parameter" string string ";"                 -> parameter
    | "output" "{" data_transform* "}"              -> output

data_transform: steps termination

steps: transform_statement*
termination: termination_statement ~ 1

transform_statement: "append" string ";"    -> append
    | "base64" ";"                          -> base64
    | "base64url" ";"                       -> base64url
    | "mask" ";"                            -> mask
    | "netbios" ";"                         -> netbios
    | "netbiosu" ";"                        -> netbiosu
    | "prepend" string ";"                  -> prepend

termination_statement: "header" string ";"  -> header
    | "parameter" string ";"                -> parameter
    | "print" ";"                           -> print
    | "uri-append" ";"                      -> uri_append

stage_transform: "prepend" string ";"       -> prepend
    | "append" string ";"                   -> append
    | "strrep" string string ";"            -> strrep

http_get_options: "set" "uri" string ";"            -> uri
    | "set" "verb" string ";"                       -> verb
    | "client" "{" http_get_client_options* "}"     -> client
    | "server" "{" http_options* "}"                -> server

http_get_client_options: "header" string string ";" -> header
    | "set" "verb" string ";"                       -> verb
    | "metadata" "{" data_transform* "}"            -> metadata
    | "id" "{" data_transform*  "}"                 -> id
    | "parameter" string string ";"                 -> parameter
    | "output" "{"  data_transform*  "}"            -> output

http_post_options: "set" "uri" string ";"           -> uri
    | "set" "verb" string ";"                       -> verb
    | "client" "{" http_get_client_options* "}"     -> client
    | "server" "{" http_options* "}"                -> server

https_certificate_options: "set" "C" string ";"     -> country
    | "set" "CN" string ";"                         -> common_name
    | "set" "L" string ";"                          -> locality
    | "set" "OU" string ";"                         -> org_unit
    | "set" "O" string ";"                          -> org
    | "set" "ST" string ";"                         -> state
    | "set" "validity" string ";"                   -> validity
    | "set" "keystore" string ";"                   -> keystore
    | "set" "password" string ";"                   -> password

code_signer_options: "set" "keystore" string ";"    -> keystore
    | "set" "password" string ";"                   -> password
    | "set" "alias" string ";"                      -> alias
    | "set" "digest_algorithm" string ";"           -> digest_algorithm
    | "set" "timestamp" string ";"                  -> timestamp
    | "set" "timestamp_url" string ";"              -> timestamp_url

stage_options: "string" string ";"                  -> string
    | "stringw" string ";"                          -> stringw
    | "transform-x86" "{" stage_transform* "}"      -> transform_x86
    | "transform-x64" "{" stage_transform* "}"      -> transform_x64
    | "set" "allocator" string ";"                  -> allocator
    | "set" "cleanup" string ";"                    -> cleanup
    | "set" "magic_pe" string ";"                   -> magic_pe
    | "set" "magic_mz_x86" string ";"               -> magic_mz_x86
    | "set" "magic_mz_x64" string ";"               -> magic_mz_x64
    | "set" "obfuscate" string ";"                  -> obfuscate
    | "set" "sleep_mask" string ";"                 -> sleep_mask
    | "set" "smartinject" string ";"                -> smartinject
    | "set" "stomppe" string ";"                    -> stomppe
    | "set" "userwx" string ";"                     -> userwx
    | "set" "compile_time" string ";"               -> compile_time
    | "set" "entry_point" string ";"                -> entry_point
    | "set" "module_x86" string ";"                 -> module_x86
    | "set" "module_x64" string ";"                 -> module_x86
    | "set" "image_size_x86" string ";"             -> image_size_x86
    | "set" "image_size_x64" string ";"             -> image_size_x64
    | "set" "name" string ";"                       -> name
    | "set" "rich_header" string ";"                -> rich_header
    | "set" "checksum" string ";"                   -> checksum

process_inject_options: "set" "allocator" string ";"    -> allocator
    | "set" "min_alloc" string ";"                      -> min_alloc
    | "set" "startrwx" string ";"                       -> startrwx
    | "set" "userwx" string ";"                         -> userwx
    | "transform-x86" "{" stage_transform* "}"          -> transform_x86
    | "transform-x64" "{" stage_transform* "}"          -> transform_x64
    | "execute" "{" execute_options* "}"                -> execute
    | "disable" string ";"                              -> disable

execute_options: "CreateThread" string ";"  -> createthread_special
    | "CreateRemoteThread" string ";"       -> createremotethread_special
    | "CreateThread" ";"                    -> createthread
    | "CreateRemoteThread" ";"              -> createremotethread
    | "NtQueueApcThread" ";"                -> ntqueueapcthread
    | "NtQueueApcThread-s" ";"              -> ntqueueapcthread_s
    | "RtlCreateUserThread" ";"             -> rtlcreateuserthread
    | "SetThreadContext" ";"                -> setthreadcontext

postex_options: "set" "spawnto_x86" string ";"  -> spawnto_x86
    | "set" "spawnto_x64" string ";"            -> spawnto_x64
    | "set" "obfuscate" string ";"              -> obfuscate
    | "set" "pipename" string ";"               -> pipename
    | "set" "smartinject" string ";"            -> smartinject
    | "set" "amsi_disable" string ";"           -> amsi_disable
    | "set" "keylogger" string ";"              -> keylogger
    | "set" "thread_hint" string ";"            -> thread_hint

dns_beacon_options: "set" "dns_idle" string ";" -> dns_idle
    | "set" "dns_max_txt" string ";"            -> dns_max_txt
    | "set" "dns_sleep" string ";"              -> dns_sleep
    | "set" "dns_ttl" string ";"                -> dns_ttl
    | "set" "maxdns" string ";"                 -> maxdns
    | "set" "dns_stager_prepend" string ";"     -> dns_stager_prepend
    | "set" "dns_stager_subhost" string ";"     -> dns_stager_subhost
    | "set" "beacon" string ";"                 -> beacon
    | "set" "get_A" string ";"                  -> get_a
    | "set" "get_AAAA" string ";"               -> get_aaaa
    | "set" "get_TXT" string ";"                -> get_txt
    | "set" "put_metadata" string ";"           -> put_metadata
    | "set" "put_output" string ";"             -> put_output
    | "set" "ns_response" string ";"            -> ns_response

header: string
string: STRING
variant: string

STRING: "\"" /(.|\n)*?/ /(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?/ "\""

%import common.WS
%import common.SH_COMMENT
%import common.NEWLINE

%ignore WS
%ignore SH_COMMENT
%ignore NEWLINE