
The command beacon-xordecode can be used to decode a XorEncoded Cobalt Strike beacon. Not to be confused with the single-byte XOR key that is used to encrypt the Beacon Configuration.

$ beacon-xordecode <beacon-file> | xxd

If the command is not in your path, you can also use run the command using the following Python module:

$ python -m dissect.cobaltstrike.xordecode --help

Nonce offset

A XorEncoded beacon payload consists of the xordecode shellcode stub, the initial nonce, the size and then the XorEncoded payload:

| xordecode shellcode stub | nonce (dword) | payload size (dword) | xorencoded payload |

To properly decode the XorEncoded payload, the nonce offset must be known. The following two different methods are used to determine the nonce offset / start of XorEncoded payload:

  • Determine nonce based on file size, the decoded size field is the size of the XorEncoded payload. If it matches it is used as a candidate.

  • Determine nonce offset based on the end marker of the xordecode shellcode stub.

MZ header

After the nonce candidates have been found it will try to find which of the candidates is the correct one. The MZ header is used to determine the correct candidate. If no MZ header can be found in the payload it will return an error.

You can still use the -n or --nonce-offset option to manually specify the nonce offset, this will override the automatic nonce and MZ detection.

beacon-xordecode - CLI interface

beacon-xordecode [-h] [-n NONCE_OFFSET] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] FILE

beacon-xordecode positional arguments

  • FILE - FILE to decode (default: None)

beacon-xordecode options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -n NONCE_OFFSET, --nonce-offset NONCE_OFFSET - Force nonce offset (instead of auto detecting) (default: None)

  • -v, --verbose - verbosity level (-v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG) (default: 0)

  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT - write decoded payload to FILE (default: -)